Young Womens on Tuesday Night
So here's my finished product for the camp shirts. I thought that they turned out pretty stinkin' cute! What do you think?
This was my first night for Young Womens camp stuff. Mutual starts at 7pm, and we headed out the door at 6:30, to get there on time and early. Joe promptly fell asleep in the car. So we put him in the stroller, and propped him up on a chair. Amazingly, he slept the WHOLE time.
We made T-shirts for camp. And bandanas (or hair hiders, as my mom and I were referring to them). The T's were a little big, so some of the girls cut them at the side and tied them. You know, like how people make fleece blanket. Anyway, if you're skinny enough, have at it.Here are some of the more finished products. We had 11 girls, and only got about 1/2 way done. We will finish week after next. There's a little bit more painting, and then ironing on the rhinestones. Pretty snazzy.
What a totally clever way to make too big a shirt work for those littel bodies!!!! I could have used that idea in the past camp adventures!!
Great painting and hair hiders too!!! Love the concept!
The girls said that they do it all the time with Sports shirts and such. Such clever girls :)
They look great lets bring it up to the commitee about making some for the Pack. Wow he was out.
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