Saturday, March 31, 2007
Pinewood Derby 2007

Posted by a at 3/31/2007 11:52:00 AM 2 comments
Pancake Breakfast

I was really glad that Brent came. He was going to stay at home and do some "work", but decided at the last minute to come! I really was pleased to have him there!
Posted by a at 3/31/2007 11:33:00 AM 0 comments
Easter Bunny!

Posted by a at 3/31/2007 11:21:00 AM 2 comments
It Pays to Ask!

Posted by a at 3/31/2007 11:18:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 30, 2007
Grocery Shopping Part II
So my last post had me arriving home from the store, and the big kids helping carry in the groceries. Then I bagged out all the snacks, and was done. Well, I just thought that I was done! I went upstairs to check my mail and blog and such, and when I was finished, Jimmy came upstairs. He was pretty snotty. There was snot all over him. And he was poopy. Nice. So I stripped him down, and took him downstairs.
On the way downstairs, I noticed this yellow stuff on each stair. At first, I thought that as he slid down the stairs, he got poop on them. I smelled it. Nope, not poop. Didn't know what it was. Now my curiosity was peeked. Jim and I went into the living room. I noticed the paper bag that I had carefully packed the 4 dozen eggs in, sitting by the front door. The boys had failed to put it in the kitchen, so I had failed to put it away. They just brought it from the car, and left it by the couch so they could go back to watching TV.
I was almost afraid to approach. As I got closer, I could see that one of the dozen eggs was on the floor, empty. Jimmy had taken out each egg, cracked it, dumped it, and mushed it around. It was a nasty mess. There was egg nasties all over the living room. Most was centered on the wood entry way, but some was drug through the carpet. It was not good.
The boys cleaned up the big chunks, and I got the egg slimies from the wood. Then, we moved everything out of the living room, vacuumed real good, and cleaned the carpet with the carpet cleaner. That was a fun afternoon.
I very wisely decided that I wouldn't blog this until after I had put the kids to bed. I didn't want a Grocery Shopping Part III.
Posted by a at 3/30/2007 08:57:00 PM 2 comments
Grocery Shopping
So today was grocery shopping day. For those of you with few to no children, this does not mean the same thing to you as it does to me. Shopping for 7 people for one week is quite a big project. Thats 49 breakfasts, 49 lunches, 49 dinners, and 98 snacks. 6 dozen eggs, 4 gallons milk, 2 bricks cheese, 3 bags bananas, 1 box each graham crackers, saltines, ritz, and the list just goes on and on.
Anyway, shopping day was supposed to be Monday, but it kept getting pushed back. So here it was Friday, and I was ready to go. I had my menu. I had my list. I knew which store, and which order. I had left the morning snack, and lunch, and directions on the kitchen counter for Brent for the kids. I had my snack and lunch packed, as well as Jimmy's. We were ready.
Brent was working from home for the day, so I left the 4 big kids with him, and took Jim with me. First, we went to Aldi's. We got about 80% of our food there. Then on to Wal-mart for a few thing. Then to Ultra Foods for a few more. Then home.
When I walked in the house, it smelled like burnt something. I asked Brent if he was cooking. He said that Joe tried to burn down the house. Nice. Apparently, he'd gone in the kitchen, and eaten all the bananas left out for lunch. Then, he was still hungry, and decided to make toast. No matter than the BILL PILE was sitting on the toaster. So that caught on fire. Luckily someone caught it in time. A few of the bills are charred around the edges. Which reminds me, Grandma Lyn, the check you sent got burnt. Can you send a different one?
But by the time that I got home, the only thing left of the mess was the smell. The floor was cleaned, the dishes done, the table cleared and wiped. It looked lovely. The big kids helped bring in the groceries, and helped me bag out the food. (I individually bag all the snacks)
So that was my fun shopping day. What an exciting life I lead!
Posted by a at 3/30/2007 03:10:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Spring Break Crafts at the Library

Posted by a at 3/28/2007 01:16:00 PM 2 comments
A Royal Family

And Eme. She also chose a Wopper Jr. and a milkshake (strawberry).

Here's Jacob. He chose a Wopper Jr. and a shake (strawberry).

And here Jimmy. He won't eat fast food. So I got him cheese sticks, thinking he would like that. He does like cheese, after all. But alas, no, he doesn't like cheese sticks. But he did like his shake (vanilla).

And here I am. I must say, you would all be jealous of my lunch. Slim-fast bar and squished pear. Nice. That was fun. :)
Posted by a at 3/28/2007 01:08:00 PM 1 comments