Pack 140 and Pack 257 decided to do their own day camp this year. We have attended the council day camp (or was it district?) for the past 2 years, and frankly, I wasn't too impressed with it (no offense to those running it). I decided last year that I could put one on for our pack, and it would be better for our kids, and a lot cheaper.
I worked out a tentative plan, and ran it by Brent. He helped me tweak it a bit, and it looked pretty good. It was for 5 days, from 10-2 each day. Each day would have a sports belt loop, an academic belt loop, a water activity, and a fun game type activity.
I laid out a nice plan for each day, then myself, Beth Roberts from pack 140, Denise Dodd from pack 257, and Mindy Toller from pack 257 all got together and divi'd up all the jobs. It really wasn't that much work.
We had 25 kids that attended. Some only stayed for 1 or 2 days, but they still got the Cub Camp experience. We had about 13 or 14 scouts, and the rest siblings or Boy Scout helpers. It really was a lot of fun. Stressful for those running it, but a great benefit to the kids!
For anyone that knows me, my camera is always attached to my hip, and I take TONS of pics. Well, the first 4 DAYS of day camp, I forgot it at home. Can you believe it! What was I thinking? But, I finally remembered it on Friday. I know that some of the other moms took pics on the other days. Now I'll just have to try and get them to email me the pics.
Anyway, here are a few pics that I do have from Day Camp.
The Magic Show by Ron Dodd (Denise's husband)

Fishing at the stocked pond

In the car and on our way!

The kids are already asking if we're gonna do this again next year!